Revisiting My 2019 Goals

July is here and I’m getting excited about the slowed down pace of summertime in a coastal city. I have to admit though, I’ve also felt a tinge of anxiety creeping in as I realize that I have approximately six months left to accomplish the goals I set at the beginning of the year. Oh the joys of being a full-time adult! As you may have heard, this year I decided to embrace a 5 Year Plan. Strangely enough, this has made me more consciously aware of my goals than ever before, as I’ve broken them down into actionable and measurable daily and weekly habits that will (hopefully) culminate into a nice little check box by the end of the year. Now seems like the perfect time to check in with myself and make adjustments as needed. So today I want to share the thought process with you and show you how I’m keeping myself on track from here on out.

Keep Doing What Works

As I mentioned previously, I have broken down my yearly goals in to actionable and measurable tasks that I set for myself on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. I go into more detail about how to do that here. Reassessing meant sitting down and thinking about whether these smaller tasks were still relevant to my larger goals. For example, one task is to pack my lunch to bring to work every day. This feeds into my larger goal of sticking to my budget. All of the tasks I had set for myself are still very relevant to accomplishing the larger goals and therefore I plan to continue doing these things for the rest of the year.

Rewrite Your Failures

One goal which I instantly realized that I was super behind on is my budgeting goal for the year. Because I had been neglecting my weekly task of updating my budget spreadsheet for a (embarrassingly long) while, I realized that I needed to get a hold of that quickly. Because of that, my savings goal has changed too and now I know that I need to create a payment plan to help in this new goal. I am terribly guilty of doing that thing where I ignore my bank account because I know I’m not going to like what I see. And really, that is the most important time to give it some love. So I’m hoping that I have sufficiently shocked myself into getting back on track financially for the rest of the year.

Adjust, Adjust, Adjust

One of the best parts about revisiting your goals, half way through the year is that you get to see how much you have already accomplished! I was pleasantly surprised that I had already surpassed some of the measurable goals that I had set for myself in January. But of course that doesn’t mean I’m off the hook until next year. It means that it’s time to adjust and create new targets that seem reasonable to hit by the end of the year. And of course, there were the few details that I had completely changed my mind and direction on and therefore were no longer something I wished to keep working towards. And that’s totally fine too! The thing to keep in mind, when it comes to yearly goal setting and 5 year plans, is that the details are likely to and should change. The key is to keep the big picture in mind and be flexible.

So that’s what I’ve been thinking about as I revisit my 2019 goals. What are you currently working towards and how are you planning to stay on track for the rest of the year? Or are you just absolutely smashing it right now and checking things off the list left and right? Either way, I’d love to hear about your strategies and motivations when setting and keeping goals. Thanks so much for reading! xx Jessica