How I Stay Organized With Creative Projects


I’d like to think that after two years of juggling my creative side hustles with a full time job, I was already well-versed in time management and intrinsic motivation. That is until 2020 happened and all of our routines were turned on their heads. Since turning that side hustle into a full-time gig back in March, I’ve learned all types of things about one: myself (let’s be real) and two: staying organized. So today I thought I’d share with you the tools I used to stay motivated, organized, on task and full of inspiration.


Planners & Calendars

For both long term and day-to-day planning, I work best with a combination of a paper planner and a digital calendar. My planner of choice is the Appointed Weekly Planner, which I’ve reviewed and sang praises about on several occasions. I just find that pen to paper is the only way I remember all those little tasks that pop into my head daily. It’s also where I write down my to-do lists each morning and any non-work-related dates and appointments. For content planning I’ve just started using a Google Calendar. While I used to only have a spreadsheet to keep track of upcoming collaborations, now I also use an actual calendar as it’s much easier to read visually. And if you’re wondering why I’ve yet to go fully digital, I think it’s because of my love for stationary and my disdain for spending any more time in front of a screen than I need to.

Spreadsheets Galore

I know this stuff may seem a bit dry, but it’s something I rely on heavily in going about my daily business. If you can set up and maintain a spreadsheet, or some type of system that works for you, then you will have an effective infrastructure to grow. And yes, as you grow these tools will naturally need to become more complex, but if you’re looking for a free and easy to use tool than look no further than good old Google Sheets. I currently use a spreadsheet to keep track of all my content, brand collaborations, analytics and business goals. And because I’m my mother’s daughter, my spreadsheets are color-coded and organized to my heart’s delight. Why not make it pretty if you have to look at it everyday, right?


Time Management 101

One of the most effective time management strategies is time blocking, or knowing how much time to give yourself for each task. Take for example, writing a blog post. It sounds easy enough but once you break down all the steps that go into it: photography, editing, writing, creating graphics, you get a better idea of the total amount of time it will realistically take to complete. If you don’t know how much time each of the smaller tasks takes, try setting a timer. Once you start to get a better idea, you can effectively plan your day with time blocking to make good headway on a project.

Finding That Drive

One of the biggest obstacles of working independently on a creative project is mustering up the motivation day in and day out. This is where intrinsic motivation comes in and it’s the one thing I think most creatives share. Whether you’re creating an art portfolio or building an online platform, most creative projects don’t get off the ground overnight. They take many an evening and weekend of solitary work, hours and hours of learning your trade and refining your craft. And that’s the fun part; building something from nothing!

But I know burnout is a real issue so whatever you’re doing, make sure to give yourself time to build back up when you’re feeling depleted and surround yourself with as much inspiration as possible. You probably already have an idea of what motivates you, so hold that idea close and nurture it so that it can grow stronger.


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So there you have it, some of the tools and tricks I use to stay organized with my creative projects. I’d love to know what you use to stay on track and inspired to create on a daily basis. Is there a book or podcast that sparks your imagination? Any online project management sites that you swear by? Let me know in the comments! And as always, thanks so much for reading! xx Jessica


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