81 Black Creatives To Follow

A Quick Catch Up

Hi everyone! I’m back after about a week’s hiatus from all things fashion and lifestyle. It was a much needed time to process and mourn the lives of innocent Black people taken by police brutality and racial violence. I used that time to try to better educate myself about what’s going on (I found some great resources on IG in the process), to donate to Black organizations and bail funds to help support protestors and have many difficult conversations with my loved ones. I know that what I’ve done in the past week is nothing compared to the crucial ongoing work of activists, educators and organizers - whom we are SO indebted too. But if there’s one thing we’ve all been reminded of is that we all have the responsibility to do better, to continue to uplift and support Black people, to hold each other accountable, to educate ourselves on being actively anti-racist and to continue this work long after it’s ‘cool’ or ‘trendy’ to talk about on social media. This is something I’m making a whole lot more room for in my life going forward and I encourage you to do the same.

It was also a very important time for healing and I decided to really step back from life online in order to set boundaries and protect my own mental health in the process. That said, the community I’ve found online is one that uplifts and inspires me endlessly. The process of expressing myself creatively through the blog, Instagram and YouTube is very near and dear to my heart and (as I found) very important to my mental health and wellbeing too!

So much of what I do is wrapped up in the consumption of content created by others and while I love finding new accounts to follow, I haven’t been as diligent in sharing them with you all. So if you're looking to diversify and fill your feed with new perspectives (some possibly very different from your own) then take a look at 81 of my favorite fashion, lifestyle & inspirational Black creatives on Instagram.


Sustainable Fashion & Environmentalism Accounts

Jessica Harumi Sustainable Fashion Instagram Accounts
Jessica Harumi Sustainable Fashion Accounts 2

Fashion Accounts

Jesica Harumi Fashion Instagram Accounts 4
Jesica Harumi Fashion Instagram Accounts 2
Jesica Harumi Fashion Instagram Accounts 1
Jesica Harumi Fashion Instagram Accounts 3
Jesica Harumi Fashion Instagram Accounts 5

Lifestyle & Girl Boss Inspirations

Jesica Harumi Lifestyle Instagram Accounts 1
Jessica Harumi Lifestyle Instagram Accounts 2